Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Talking Torture in the Whitehouse

Tue, April 15, 2008 - 12:32 AM

No surprise, and as Andrew Sullivan says, the fact that Bush and Cheney and the other high level trolls who make up the current ruling junta sat around thinking up ways to torture prisoners to the extent that then Attorney General Ashcroft remarked that maybe they shouldn't be having these discussions in the White House, is no where near as important as Barack Obama making an off the cuff remark that people who have been out of work in middle America for 25 years are bitter so they "cling" to their religion and their guns.


We'll see if this story is buried. Unfortunately, I suspect the terror alert level will be raised if people start paying attention.


Nicole aka ~technopatra~

Tue, April 15, 2008 - 9:05 AM
My fear is that they will successfully shift majority public opinion to accept their party line that it was all necessary to ensue or safety. They MUST be tried for war crimes.


Tue, April 15, 2008 - 2:05 PM
Those guys are PURE EVIL.

Tim Black

Thu, April 17, 2008 - 9:37 AM
By signing off on clearly illegal actions they show that they expect no one to call them on it. This shows that the criminals at the top of our government genuinely believe they are above the law. Bush has shown over and over that he will redefine any law he dislikes with a stroke of his pen. So we KNOW that the entire gang are thugs and thieves, but what if they are also right about being above it all? What if their control is already so tight that they really have nothing to worry about. If this passes out of sight without anyone going on trial, I'm afraid the cout de ta is already over and the bastards have won.

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