Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Election Fun

Tue, June 6, 2006 - 10:23 AM

The cynicism with which the Republicans handle themselves is so transparent that it becomes ridiculous sometimes. OK, it is transparent most of the time. With Bush's popularity plummeting and this election season looking like the Democrats might pick up some seats only because the Republicans are proving over and over again, and with much hubris, what scumbag criminals they are, Karl Rove and Co. do the only sensible thing they know how to do and trot out the old dog of Gay Marriage.

Oh yes, the evil Homosexuals are trying to steal Marriage away from all the happy straight 1950s families, and just in time for the election! I don't know about you, but I suspect this is just a ruse to distract Americans from things like the Iraq War, the NSA spying on all of us (HEY NSA!) the profiteering by Cheney and Haliburton in Bush's Wars, the Delay trial, the Enron verdicts, the Cheney Treason leak, Katrina, the failing economy and the ballooning deficit, the price gouging by Bush's friends in the Oil Industry, the barely contained salivation for war in Iran by the Neocons, the widening gap between rich and poor with permanent tax cuts planned for the ultra rich, the utter incompetence and fiddling while Rome Burns, etc etc. ad nauseum of the cluster fuck of plundering and pandering to the Right that this administration has subjected our once prosperous country too....

Just a hunch.

We've seen it before. But everytime the Republicans throw the Right Wing Christians a bone, they mobilize and jump on it like they were being offered a brand new car on their sweet sixteenth birthday. They got some nice Supreme Court Justices out of this administration. Now if we could codify some bigotry into the constitution, we'd be set.

It makes me sick. Really.

Please get out and vote today, if only to show them that we care enough to take part in the system. I suspect that Caesar Jeb Bush will be installed at the next Presidential "election", but out here in San Francisco, the land of progressive thinking people who aren't into an amendment saying that gay people in a committed relationship should be institutionally discriminated against, we can show them we still care enough to vote for the little things.

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