Friday, September 26, 2008

Pwned Debate 1

Obama called McCain on every lie.

Let me say it again.

He took control for most of the debate. Whenever McCain
lied, he called him on it. And he kept going back to what he'd do to
fix the mess McCain and the Republicans left in their wake. I think he
won the thing.

McCain looked sickly and a little befuddled to me except for that one
time he rattled off leaders of iron curtain countries. And he kept
repeating his campaign phrases, over and over.


Wow... I saw Obama crush him.

Obama looked Presidential, forceful, and clearly explained his side.

McCain was whiney and arrogant.

- Porter

We TiVoed it. We kept scores for each round. The first few rounds on economy Obama won. Then they went to Iraq Afghanistan Iran soviet union. I think McCain had a bit more edge on the foreign policy subject but what I notice is that my audience just tuned out because it was foreign policy and nobody cared. So in this regard obama lucked out. People were glued to the tube when it was the economy.

So now we still have about 30 min pf tivp to go and the viewing party degenerated into "every time we hear Georgia we drink"!

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The other thing is u have to look at it from the eyes of bubba from Kansas. I think they tuned out after the first 15 minutes. The first 15 minutes I think obama had an edge

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