Tuesday, September 16, 2008

rambling politics

Fri, February 15, 2008 - 9:31 PM

I'm giving less of a fuck recently about what was with me if you care. Politics does that to me. Walking a lot around San Francisco gets me all hard. Makes me wonder why the fuck I waste time writing a goddamned blog. Makes me wonder what the fuck anything matters. Everything is fucking birthday party or disjointed opportunity to piss on another post. Fuck em whoever "em" are. It's like mailing meat to someone after leaving the meat out for a couple days so the flies can lay eggs in it and when the recipient of the meat opens your package a bonnet of flies buzz out. I think that was a Monte Cazazza vs. Genesis P-Orridge thing... I kind of remember it.

I’ve been writing down the game. It takes a while to gather all the synchronicities. I’ll post those this weekend.

I walked on, listening to Tupac Shakur, where he says:

And although it seems heaven sent
We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh
Well hey, well that's the way it is”

Fuckin poetry. Wish he was around to see the possibility of a Barack in the White House.

At the Hotel Utah tonight…. Graffiti in the bathroom: Oh, Ba, Ma self.
And a communist friend of mine calls Barack an Obama-Nation.

Once the primary is done, we’ll see what the Swiftboaters can do with Barack Obama. Expect shit like, “I hear he got sworn in as senator on the Koran” and “I hear he went to one of those Madrasa schools” and “He’s the Most LIBERAL member of the Senate, ever.”

Yea. I’ll bet he can stand up to the lies too. I hope he's sincere. I think he is. I'd love to see the hateful racists fucktards shit their pants when we've got our first Black President. I hope they quake and gnash teeth and fucking lose their minds. I hope their fucking heads explode because they're dinosaurs from an ignorant dying reality and they had their time to fuck shit up (even though they were just patsies for the rich who USED them to loot the government, but they're too stupid to realize that).

Hey, at least he isn't a woman, huh you fucking assholes? Fuck You republican right wing dumbasses, really. We'll clean up your mess so get out of the way.

I think people are fucking sick of the plunder of the last 7 years. I just hope the Bush team doesn’t have a terrorist attack in the hopper, let it happen in September, and they’re ready in time to install martial law and an election postponement.

Was that a test in Pakistan, with Benazir Bhutto? To see what a populace who are disgusted with a corrupt government are willing to do when their candidate is killed by the system?

I’ll say it again, I just hope they've looted the treasury enough and that they’ve got enough money to let someone who actually gives a fuck about our country run it for a while. They can steal the election in 8 years, after someone’s fixed things, avoided a revolution.

Things have to get really bad before people start fucking voting. Things have to get really bad before people start taking notice of what the “leaders” are doing. Is it possible we’ve gotten bad enough? I hope we don’t have to move into a corporate/religious, pure unapologetic fascist state before things get bad enough for the people to take back the power.

Because, if the Republicans win or steal this election, the great American Dream is over.

We may as well have a fucking king, cause we’re all fucking serfs.

And to anyone who says whoever is in power doesn’t matter, all the dead for oil, all the money they’ve stolen, all the environmental carnage and pure greed driven decisions, all the ignoring the constitution, all the criminal shit they continue doing, well, look at the toads Bush stacked into the Supreme Court. You think Hillary or Barack are going to put roundhead puritans in like Roberts or Scalia or Thomas? No, they won’t. They’ll put in people who respect the constitution, people who aren’t lapdogs for a right wing ideology.

Fuck’s sake. I want to puke, seeing what they’ve done to our country. I want them in prison. I want them gone. I want our country to get closer to what it can be, even if it isn’t perfect, we could take it back from these corporate raiders, I still believe it’s possible.

But maybe I’m really dead, just living an illusion. May be when I wake up, I’ll realize that they’ve won and hope was just a fucking fleeting dream that kept us all from taking up arms to overthrow our oppressors.

I hope that isn’t the case.

Tim Black

Sat, February 16, 2008 - 1:04 PM
I think we (as a nation) are headed for a economic train wreak. The current fools will not stop raiding until the credit is gone and currency is as worthless as post war Germany. This is one reason we practice reuse, self-sufficiency and barter. Because in a few years, that is how we all will be living. I don't believe anything will stop this now. As burners we are used to having a party in the leftovers and wreckage of "normal" life. This is in fact training for the future. When a wound is big enough, it's only a matter of time before the body dies. We are not dead, but America (as we have know it) is dead. (We have NO money, only a crushing debt, the entire income tax no longer covers the interest payments.) The abuse of power and destruction of this nations wealth is a mortal wound. it just hasn't stopped twitching yet.

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