Tue, May 15, 2007 - 11:30 AM
There's a little less evil in the world today. Jerry Falwell is finally dead. The man who created a "ministry" that takes in 200$ million dollars a year off preaching hate has left the building.
That's a shame...
The one time I really, really wish America's "christian" obsession with hell was real is when one of these hippocrites die. It would be so gratifying to know that their souls were being dragged down to Hell for eternal damnation because of what they did to that particular religion. It would be nice to know that they were in the good company of other evil, hateful men for all eternity.
It will be interesting to see how many of the Republican Presidential candidates show up at the funeral to weep and proclaim what a great man this shyster was.
Our lives will be a little less entertaining with him gone, but there are plenty of neanderthals in the wings, some like Dobson or Ron Luce (BattleCry) or Lou Phelps. And we've still got old Pat Robertson. I worry that Falwell and Robertson will look like moderates compared to the upcoming generation of Battle Warriors for Christ.
All I can say is, Good Riddance Jerry.
“AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals”
- Jerry Falwell
However, let us not forget that Falwell wasn't all about just Teletubbies, hating gays, feminists and the ACLU. No, he was also happy to blame America in general for being tolerant in so many ways that God had no choice but to allow the attacks of 911.
in a conversation with Pat Robertson about the attacks of 911
JERRY FALWELL: And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."
Some other great Falwell Quotes:
Tue, May 15, 2007 - 11:48 AM
Ya know.... everyone stands for something, and ya dont have to agree with em,
but to wish them "good riddance" and declare them "evil" wow, thats some intense stuff....
I sure hope no one says that about me, or even you when we are gone....
be well....
Tue, May 15, 2007 - 12:02 PM
I'm sure no one will say anything bad about you because you're a good person. You leave your legacy when you die and you're responsible for what you leave behind.
Unfortunately Falwell's legacy was one of hate, IMHO. I didn't like him when he was alive, and I think he used his power to spread all the wrong messages, most of them in direct opposition to anything Christ talked about in the Gospels.
Here is a nicer send off for the good Pastor.
Tue, May 15, 2007 - 12:18 PM
I think Andrew Sullivan said it best.....
thanks Moze....
be well Darlin....
Cross Sidhe
Tue, May 15, 2007 - 1:19 PM
May he rot in HELL!!!
Cross the Witch
furtographer smith
Wed, May 16, 2007 - 9:01 AM
Let's be polite and not say negative things because
"Evil thrives best when good people say nothing" or whatever Edmund Burke said.
I heard there was a spontaneous DJ street party on Castro to celebrate.
Nicole aka ~technopatra~
Wed, May 16, 2007 - 9:38 AM
I'v been reading a lot of temperate responses to his death, like "for all he was, he was someone;s father and husband and I am sad for their loss" and "well I guess he'll find out for sure now". I get that you are not supposed to rejoice in negativity, that we should all have compassion etc etc. but COME THE FUCK ON.
This man was, imo, directly responsible for the beatings, murders, and rapes of thousands of gay people with his religion-soaked hatred-filled televised bile.
He is directly responsible for the abuse pregnant teens suffered at the ahnds of their righteous parents, for the lack of universal health care with his conservative politics, and for the war in Iraq AND for the lack of fuel efficiency and emission standards for his unqualified support of BOTH Bush regimes.
I take some comfort in my belief that there is no conscious afterlife, that his being is simply OVER.
Now if only that fuck Dobson would join him.
Wed, May 16, 2007 - 8:28 PM
Thank You.
He was a fucking asshole who did a great job keeping the stupid in hateville.
I'm in good company.
Wed, May 16, 2007 - 8:39 PM
"christianity is stupid.
communism is good.
give up!"
negativland, from the song "christianity is stupid".
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