Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Hamshire

Tue, January 8, 2008 - 9:35 AM

Here are three points I've heard lately that I agree with and that make me like Barack even more..

1) Obama is the only one saying things like -- We aren't red states or blue states, we're the United States.

I really like that he's not into the divide an conquer mentality and it would be so refreshing to not have to deal with that after hmmm, I'll say 8 years of it, but it's been far longer than that. The last 7 years of Bush have just been the worse... The kinds of challenges we face like restoring our standing in the world, dealing with terrorism and environment change are only going to be able to be dealt with by someone who brings people together rather than making them hate each other for their own political gain.

2) With Obama as the face of America to the rest of the world, I honestly think (Andrew Sullivan noted this last night on Colbert) he could prove that the U.S. isn't always going to be run by old school, greed driven, white, criminal war profiteers.

It *is* possible to get beyond the old guard and yea, that's actually something called "Hope" and "Change".

3) And lastly, if and when the Republicans attempt to steal states in the 08 presidential election (best bet Giuliani in Florida) I can't see Obama rolling over like Kerry and Gore.

California's primary is coming up and that's going to be a huge day. February 5. It'll be interesting to see how San Francisco votes.

image http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20070418/425.obama.barack.041807.jpg


Sunburn Sarah

Tue, January 8, 2008 - 9:40 AM
and Obama is the ONLY candidate that was against the "war" from the beginning...

no rollover on that point either as did Ms Clinton...


Tue, January 8, 2008 - 10:07 AM
hillary clinton is an old-school soon-to-be blue haired hag and i'd have a lot of trouble voting for her against whatever old racist religious fanatic coot the GOP spits out at us.

i'm registered green, so i'll probably vote for whoever they can come up with if hillary wins the democratic nomination.

Hot Damn

Tue, January 8, 2008 - 11:15 PM
I'm with you- I think it's Obama for me.

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