Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Preaching to the Choir, but really.

Anything that seeks to censor art is always suspect. The powers that be at this particular moment in time only want to maintain their sacred stranglehold. Every new culture that supercedes the preceding has a new arsenal to obliterate anything sincere in the culture it intends to assimilate.

Like the army that develops the latest and greatest weapon of mass destruction, only on a psychic level, they come for you with TV and control of ideas and credit cards these days. All in the name of wholesomeness and some idea that died a long time ago, or never really existed.

And cultures in power always step up their attempts to stomp out free thought when they are most threatened.

That's what makes right now in this country so exciting. The Christians and the Conservatives are threatened with losing their holy grip left over from the 50s so they have to cheat their way into power so that they can attempt to stomp out the gains we've made towards what was moving slowly towards something where more people actually shared power. They don't like the idea of real democracy. They don't like it when the species evolves. They have to put women back in their place, they have to give the rich unchallenged power, they don't like the uppity. The American ideal of anyone "making it" has to be a closely controlled phenomenon that they make money off of, otherwise it is a threat.

If they don't get this under control, they're threatened with sliding back into the gene pool like dinosaurs. And they know it because their only creative thoughts are How to Maintain their Power.

Anything that seeks to destroy the creative aspect is evil and counter to our survival as human beings. We instinctively want to take care of our own and do away with artificial boundaries. Why do you think that we lurch forward and as a whole want things like equal rights, zero poverty, environmentalism, healthcare for ourselves and our children, freedom to love whomever we want with equal benefits, communities and structures that will help nurture these human animals into something where we all realize our potential?

Because that is natural and with so much wealth, we all want to share in it. We want it because that is utopia. And it IS attainable.

And why do you think the people who hold the power have things like the media to keep those ideas from reaching fruition?

Why do they go to war to steal oil instead of taking the path of figuring out alternatives? Why are they so cynical that they prey on the religious folks who are easily preyed upon? Why do they twist everything around with doublespeak and downright lies?

They are afraid and they take the easy, cynical path. They know that they'd have to share the wealth if a freethinking people rule and that is the antithesis of their power.

Our species evolves through the metaphors we discover. And that makes art all the more important.

Anyone who says that everything that will ever be done, has been done already is a lazy bastard. If you live in the linear realm where most of us live, we are always changing and evolving, and to believe that is to say that we as a species, have stopped evolving. That is to have given up hope on us all and to have decided what is mine is mine and fuck you. Greed is spawned by fear and those in power are full of fear. They breathe it.

The themes inherent to our emotive reality; love, hate,, longing, procreating and death, won't change because those are the processes of our human condition, but our perception and creative expression of those things will continue to evolve. And our art will never be simple regurgitation, unless we decide to stay the mainstream course and cash in absolutely, and immediately to please the powers that be who yearn for a simpler time when their power was never questioned. Painter of Lights and shit...

That taking what exists and creating new metaphor out of it is what pushes us forward.

Every revolution is sparked by a sudden freedom of ideas. Don't lose hope. I know I do. I believe the voting machines have been usurped by Republican friends at Diebold. I believe that only my weapons will protect me when the "Saints go Marching in". I believe that buying land and putting up a big cross with an American flag hanging on it at the Dark Bunny Carnival will keep the Corporate fascists from knocking on my door if they can find it.

But until then, it is all about the art. Art being painting, writing, song, dance, your expression of what YOU are. regardless of and in violation of the powers that seek to hammer the norm into your gullet.

Fuck them. History will remember them as cowards.

Eventually those who dared to push the envelop at any cost will be revered as those who created the metaphor that made our species eventually "get it".

If we must live in an empire that has stolen our country from us, then it is our duty to express ourselves. And even if their heavy hand may win this battle due to sheer force or the fact that they own everything, we can't stop, because our struggle will be remembered and our struggle will someday inspire another struggle and all those struggles for what is good and right for the people will eventually add up to something.

It is the loss of hope that will kill us. And we must fight them tooth and nail until the death of us. And by fighting I only mean, not giving up and giving in. Not becoming assimilated and not thinking that the false dream they offer as an alternative is an option. We are stronger than them and they are only driven by greed and a desire to silence us.

that's all.

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