Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Flashlights on Conservative rot

Fri, March 9, 2007 - 10:57 PM

Oh man, I'm still alive, just been working on simplifying my life. After we finished Jenny's LA show, she's back working on some pieces for another LA show in a month or so, but tonight she's watching "Jesus Camp". I watched a few minutes and it turned my stomach to see those little kids who don't know any better being indoctrinated into good little Theocon Americans.

Sailor is barking at what I think are imaginary raccoons. I don't see them. He's a hunting dog and he needs to get out of the City. I think he'd getting depressed here. He's too wild for it.

I'm putting the Big Red Truck up for sale on craigslist tomorrow. I'll fill all the fluids, make sure everything is tight beneath and sell it for no less than 2200 bucks. It's a good truck after all, but Jenny hates it because it's so lifted and the steering is weird. Eh, I can let it go. I finally sold some stock today and as I predicted, the stock went up as soon as I sold.

I did it for everyone else in the company. I knew the stock would go up as soon as I sold it. I wish them well. We're looking to buy a Dodge truck from Enterprise, the same truck we rented this year to go to Burning Man. Its a nice truck and I'm looking forward to having something I don't have to work on every month. It'd be nice to have a truck that doesn't lose a tire every 6 months or so.

I picked up my meds today and one of them cost 25 bucks. I asked the older lady pharmacist at Walgreens why it was so expensive and she said, "Have you ever looked at what these medications cost? Do you know how much your insurance is covering," and I agreed that I didn't. So... evidently that 25 dollar bottle is worth 302 dollars and insurance is paying the difference. All my meds are like 100 to 200 bucks for a month's worth. All except the xanax generic that I take to keep me from ever getting stressed out and smoking.

The older lady pharmacist and I had a short discussion about wtf do people who don't have insurance do? Do they just die? I mean, I'm using up thousands of dollars "worth" of meds each month.

And the things I'm taking now are just things that keep me cholesterol and highblood pressure free. I can't imagine if I was taking something that if I didn't take I'd die, could cost. I understand the whole Research and Development aspect of pharms capitalistic realities, but fuck. Is this just because they can fleece the US? I have a friend who works at Merke and he says there's a sweet spot where drug companies want you.

You have something that can't be cured, but drugs can keep you alive. And you have insurance. Oh, the drug companies love that person.

Speaking of scumbags, it looks like some light is finally being let into the room and the rats are scattering in Washington. Let's see, first this was brought to my attention by Bitchslap at slapfest.blogspot.com/

"Interesting post in which Andrew Sullivan is "forced" to quote from Paul
Krugman, what with Krugman being all correct and shit:


Reader's Digest version (without the Digest ideological bias): Gonzalez is
probably going down, "maybe sooner rather than later," to quote Arlen

and there was Coulter being all cunty and a bigot, but we all know about that and thankfully only idiots pay attention to her anymore...

and there's Bush causing riots at every South American nation he visits. That isn't exactly working out the way he'd hoped. He is universally hated. I remember when Clinton used to go to countries and people would come out to see him. There were parades and adoration. Yea, Bush, I hope all the demons you've summoned ride your back to the grave because you've been used for a purpose more evil than even you know you ass. It's going to take the US decades to recover from what you've done to it.

And today another spotlight that sent the right wing roaches scuttling for dark places with (oh surprise!):

"The nation's top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions."

uh huh. No one saw that coming.

Yea, I've been commuting and downloading podcasts to my iPod and listening to them on the way. News on demand. I'm drenched in information. Jenny mentioned that I might want to get away from it all soon and I might do that. But I thrive on it all.

I was going to recount my gun story from last weekend, but I guess I'll save that for the next blog. It's kind of embarrassing.

If you don't have him bookmarked, you should. Andrew Sullivan

Bush in South America


image from


*Ali Baba* Alexandra Davies

Fri, March 9, 2007 - 11:55 PM
Run, roaches, run! heh. Good riddance!

Glad you are getting a reliable truck. Very cool. ;D

Hopefully I'll still be able to recognize you in your truck, if only by your hair. ;P


Sat, March 10, 2007 - 5:26 AM
Looking forward to the gun story, I rhink
I will see if I can think of something embarassing to post in the meantime


Sun, March 11, 2007 - 11:48 AM
did you hear about the tribal priests that are going to purify an area that bush visits afterwards?

dammit, i can't remember if they were mayan or not, i read the story in the comicle yesterday.

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