Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Barack has your back

John McCain wants to keep the tax cuts George Bush enacted for the richest Americans who have so much money invested that they live off of the interest from their investments... and money is never something they even give a thought to.

John McCain wants to give another tax cut to corporations like the oil industry... he says all that extra billions of dollars will trickle down to you.

That hasn't worked in the last 8 years and John McCain knows that.

He and the people who are helping to get him into power know that. They keep getting richer and richer and they will stop at nothing to maintain their power. They will not give up what they have taken from you.

Barack Obama will give a tax break to you if you are a laborer or a carpenter or if you work at Walmart or Target or are a painter or ironworker or a tech guy or a nurse or cabbie or chef or retail manager. He'll give you a break if you're in middle management or a project lead or a paralegal, a city planner or a teacher.

Barack Obama wants to give a tax cut to the 90 % of Americans who come home tired, who give at least 8 hours a day of their existence to those people who live off their interest. He knows that we aren't a serfdom. He wants to undo the damage Bush and his cronies have inflicted on the American dream.

And he will. Barack has your back. All the rest is lies.

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