
Sun, June 15, 2008 - 12:34 AM
My countdown widget on iGoogle tells me that, as long as there’s no more treason from the evil buffoons who’ve pillaged our country for the last 7 years (see postponing elections because they let another terrorist attack happen) T Minus W is 219 days, 9 hours, 16 minutes and 46 seconds.
America and the world will breathe a collective sigh of relief on the day Barack Obama takes office. And really, I mean, come on, even the forces of pure evil must have stolen enough money from the country, shed enough blood, built up large enough stockpiles of death, to sit back and let someone try to fix the mess Bush is leaving behind.
I could go on and on about how fucked up the last 7 years of this illegal regime have been. I could discuss how they stole what they wanted, starting with the election in 2000 and how “compassionate conservative” was pure bullshit. How they took BILLIONS of dollars from our collective pocketbooks with their retroactive “tax relief” for the rich that have helped the oil industry make profits unheard of. I could be bitter about their irresponsibility in letting the attacks of 911 happen on their watch when they had adequate warning (from the Clinton infrastructure he left behind). I could bitch about the evisceration of any and all regulatory governmental agencies that in turn led to things like the foreclosure crisis and recurring food poising and environmental havoc. Oh, and there were the lies that got us into the Iraq war when we should have gone into Somalia and stayed in Afghanistan and caught all the Taliban fucks who actually are our enemies but we didn’t because the only reason we went there was to secure Unocal safety for their pipeline.
Iraq? Fuck.. the utter fuckups in Iraq, Abu Grab, torture memos, Guantanamo, Kyoto, Blackwater, Halliburton, gas prices, the loss of respect in the world..
Sure, not all of it was bad. Saddam Hussein is dead. There is a possibility of a more democratic Iraq, but Syria and Iran are emboldened and far stronger than they were before. Bush and his people had no fucking idea what they were doing going to war.
Actually, they did know what they were doing. They were all war profiteers who made a fuckload of money finding another way to further drain off that surplus Bill Clinton left them.
In spite of our misguided leaders, the men and woman of our armed forces have persevered and always done their job, even when we’ve got Republicans voting against providing health care for Post Traumatic Stress after combat because it’s just too expensive and against just rewards like an upgraded GI Bill (They said it would encourage people to join the military short term so they could *just* get $ for college, no shit).
The Right Wing chicken Hawk fucks who have no problem sending our warriors to face death in the name of protecting our country and then who don’t want to take care of those warriors afterwards all deserve a special circle of Hell devoted just to them. Seriously.
They used our government to make their money. George W was a failed businessman before he was selected as the figure head for the NeoCon takeover of our government in 2000. He’s taken what he and his cronies wanted from every person in the US. He was the CEO president. Now I just hope he and his crew just go away and enjoy their spoils.
I guarantee that Barack Obama is no George W Bush.
He’ll be our first African American president, so we will now get to experience just how entrenched racism still is in this country.
It’s already started, the innuendo, the false Fox “News” reports (a "terrorist" fist bump? you decide"). And this will be a time for America to decide what is more important:
Buying more lies from a party that now touts itself in a bizarre Rovian round robin as the party of “change” – the Republicans, who are running an old doddering what man who will be older than Ronald Reagan was when he was elected and who represents even more of the same failed policies of Bush and Company,
… or for real change
– the Democrats who are running a halfbreed (Shekky, a halfbreed himself's affectionate term of endearment) named Barack Obama who’s plan includes every kind of tax break for the middle class to the poor, who is going to actually fix the health insurance crisis that affects everyone but the rich, who is for real environmental reform that will create millions of jobs and save our species existence, who is for fixing all the last 7 years of, well, see above. Barack Obama, who, by taking money from individual donors and not corporate interests in not OWNED by ANYONE. And even with just counting on the people to fund him, he's got a shit load of money because the PEOPLE are sick of having our government hijacked and we want CHANGE.
It is a choice between truth and lies. It is a choice between the future and the past. It is a choice between the easy (but getting harder b y the day) path of letting those with everything use you for their own ends until you are just a husk or being a part of our democracy that is dangerously close to disappearing all together if we let them steal another 4 years.
I can’t wait to see Barack and McCain debate. The contrast was stark on the night Obama took the nomination, with McCain giving his impotent (almost pathetic) speech to a couple hundred supporters and with Obama calling on our nation to take back our democracy in front of tens of thousands of cheering Americans.
I have to include part of his speech from that night. In quotes:
" America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past. Our time to bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.
The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals. Thank you, God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America. "
This election is going to have a lot of raw drama as it busts open the boil of racism that lives just below the skin of America because it is there and Obama is “Black” enough now (remember when he wasn’t the Democratic front runner and people were asking, “Is he really BLACK ENOUGH?”)
But I have faith in Barack, like so many others do. His campaign is ready to fight the same lies and innuendo that Swiftboated John Kerry with his site:
my.barackobama.com/page/con...earshome/… and that’s yet another thing that is so awesome about him. He has no problem calling out the Republicans when they lie. And he doesn’t have the same pussy attitude Kerry had, where the great statesman was shocked, just shocked, that there were Right Wing operatives who would do ANYTHING and say ANYTHING to cast any kind of doubt in people’s minds. I think that we’ve learned after the last two elections that they will stop at nothing to distort the truth so they can stay in power and keep up the “permanent Republican majority”.
I was listening to Meet the Press (Fuck I’m going to miss Tim Russert. He was so excited about this campaign and the historical moment in time we’re in. He was one of the good guys, one of the real journalists who were fair and balanced, before shitheads like O’Reilly and Limbaugh and their ilk came along to poison the well of journalism. Russert’s legacy will assert his integrity, and I am certain that history will not be so kind to the Right Wing) .. and Tim opened with the Robert F. Kennedy quote:
"'There is no question about it, in the next 40 years a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother has' ... Kennedy said that prejudice exists and probably will continue to exist ...'But we have tried to make progress and we are making progress. ... We are not going to accept the4 status quo.'"
Washington post, May 27, 1961
This is interesting also because RFK was assassinated 40 years ago, the same week Barack Obama became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. 40 years… and we will most likely have our first African American president after the dust settles.
The sheer audacity of a BLACK man thinking he can become president. That is exactly the kind of audacity we need in times like these.
Barack wrote a book and you should read it if you really want to understand the man. It’s the first audio book I’ve ever listened to, “The Audacity of Hope” and since then, I’ve got to admit, I download his speeches and put them on my iPod and listen to them. I’d love to hear 2 minutes of GW Bush trying to read something he “wrote”. He is an amazing orator. He is smart. He cares deeply about this country. (Barack, obviously not Bush Junior)
When you’re listening to Obama speak, you can’t help but think you’ve never heard a politician speak like he does. At least my Generation X hasn't, or if we did, we were just barely old enough to remember our parents pointing at the black and white TV saying, "..remember this, we're landing on the moon" and that's about it.
Barack comes off as honest, intelligent, thoughtful, the utter opposite of the current resident of the US and as someone who is sick of the disease of our current government and who wants to change it. And he isn’t apologetic, no, he’s someone who can take on the worst that the right has to offer. Yes, he’s a politician, but he is grounded in the reality of 95% of Americans, not in the reality of this current regime that is only out for the rich and who throws out the occasional poison hate bone to the religious right in a Supreme Court justice or law to keep those uppity women from controlling what goes on in their bodies.
Obama's already said it, and I suspect it will be another “There you go again.. Reagan quote” when someone lies or distorts the truth and he says, “This is the kind of politics that I’m talking about. It is the kind of politics I believe we need to change.”
Audacity indeed.
The slings and arrows that Senator Obama has decided he will endure makes me shudder. He is a better man than I am, not because of his race or is ideals, but because he believes he can do this thing and I don’t care who you are, he deserves respect for what he has and will accomplish.
But the worms who, for whatever reason, hate someone because of the tone of their skin color will come to the surface and vomit out their hate. You can see it in comments sections on any political website now. You can see them surfacing on Fox News as “reporters” and in any other right leaning “news source” that are all just tools for the ruling class. This year, after being beaten down and seeing the rich constantly screw them, even the evangelicals aren’t sure what to do so the Republicans are going to have to widen their net a little and court the overtly racist vote because they’ve got so little else to run on.
And I predict, that they will come out full force, but, like the Republican party itself, they will damage their "brand", and since racists are far stupider than most of our species, they will burn out and hopefully self destruct early. This is unavoidable, the horror of being exposed to them, the embarrassment of knowing that genetically we are all related to them, and then the elation of seeing the sweet sunlight of truth burn them up into crisp turds on the sidewalk. If Bush has taught us anything, it is that things have to get very, very, very bad before people wake up and take action to rid themselves of the proactive evil that will always be there to destroy freedom and enlightenment.
I used to actually like John McCain, before he began cultivating the kinds of relationships with the far right hate machine and the very lobbyists and corporations that he once fought against before he flushed all his integrity so he could reach that pinnacle of presidential contender.
They’ll try tax and spend. They’ll try experience vs. youth. They’ll try security vs. inexperience, but none of those things will stick. So they’ll have to call on the army of ignorance to spread the virus of racism to really win (or they’ll try, as they have in the past to outright steal the elections on election day).
I can’t wait to see the Race Tards exposed to the light.
Their ugly head is just now peeping like a corn toothed shark out of the asshole of white trash America and you better bet the Republicans are going to use that great pathetic mass of ignorance like Willie Horton in a Twin Towers blender where Barack Obama Bin Laden is going to have a hip hop concert in the new Mosque he builds at ground zero.
The optimist in me says that we’re going to take back our country from the corporate fascists. We’re going to reel in the oil companies and restore fairness into the tax system. We’re going to put some balances in place that will keep another president from ever not only having disdain for the founding fathers of our country and that constitution they wrote, but utterly disregarding it again. We’re going to make our country truly safe and deal with the religious fundamentalists in the Middle East who aren't going to stop attacking us with more than just our war machine. We’re going to beat the Republicans, because they’ve run their course and gotten out of control in their ineptitude. They’ve destroyed so much of our country by sucking it dry with their irresponsible unabated greed that, as they say, has led to the “Republican Brand” being damaged.
And the optimist also believes that we survived. America is hurt and limping, but we survived and we will come back stronger. It’s like the last 8 years have taught us what happens when misguided people driven only by greed and a fascist ideology steal your government.
It is unfortunate that things had to get so bad for so many people to feel the need to bring about change, but this may be the one. This has to be the one. And even if some shenanigans like starting a war with Iran or letting another terrorist attack happens, we need to maintain our resolve and realize that the cancer on our country is the people who stole our government 8 years ago and they have to go.
We have to unite, all Americans, because 95% if us see where this path is leading and we don’t want it. The racists and the fascists, the corporate overlords and the Neocons may very well become extinct after this election if America can really rise up and take back our country, and unite and fight against greed and hate once and for all.
There are no red states and there are no blue states. There are only the United States.
It’s going to be a hell of a ride.
my.barackobama.com/page/con...earshome/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Russerten.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedycurrent.com/items/890231..._40_years_ago - cool Youtube
nativenotes.wordpress.com/2008/...minee/www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/0...45.htmlwww.breitbart.com/article.php3 Comments
Justice Putnam
Sun, June 15, 2008 - 2:01 AM
I'm with you 100%!
Thu, June 19, 2008 - 9:14 AM
Obama meets Peter at the Pearly Gates...
Peter: “Welcome to Heaven. Name?”
Obama: “Barak Obama.”
Peter: “Oh yes, that sounds familiar. Where would I know you from?”
Obama: “I was elected President of the United States.”
Peter: “No kidding?! The US elected a black man as their president? When did THIS happen?”
Obama: “Oh, about twenty minutes ago.”
Very tasteless, yes - but where do you think things will go should this little joke become a reality? How strategic should Obama be about picking his VP? ...and most importantly, how long can Obama go before he sells his soul like so many that have come before, who were initially credited with integrity? Or, has he already done so, while his amazing speech writers distract us with a message of hope?
In case you havent noticed, Im one cynical bastard when it comes to politics. However, Its one of the few subjects on which I greatly enjoy being proven wrong (& it doesnt happen nearly often enough). I sincerely hope that your hope in Obamas hope is well founded. Tho I pray for the day when we can finally eliminate all the hope middlemen and just be able to HOPE.
*Ali Baba* Alexandra Davies
Mon, June 23, 2008 - 5:51 PM
Barack is so inspiring. I love it. ;D